Talks and Podcasts
- Buch-Tipp: Algebra-Driven Design von Sandy Maguire
(Software Architektur Buchtipp Adventskalendar 2024)
- Besser Programmieren mit Mathematik
(developers club, 2024)
- Beruf Software Architektur: Mike Sperber
(Software-Architektur TV)
- Functional Programming in the Large - Status and Perspective
(FUNARCH 2023)
- Fast Deep Learning with Categories
(FHPNC, 2023)
- Getting FP Into DDD - For Real
(with Benedikt Stemmildt, Architecture Gathering, 2023)
- Funktionale Programmierung, DDD und Architektur
(mit Eberhard Wolff, Software Architektur im Stream, 2023)
- Funktionale Architektur - Ein konkretes Beispiel
(mit Eberhard Wolff, Software Architektur im Stream, 2023)
- DDD and FP Can’t Be Friends - Yet
(with Henning Schwentner, DDD Europe, 2023)
- Event Sourcing without Responsibility
(BOB, 2022)
- The Role of DSLs in Architecture Design
(with Lars Hupel, Architecture Gathering, 2022)
- How to Deep Learn with Categories
(MuniHac, 2022)
- Math for hackers
(rC3, 2021)
- Event Sourcing without Responsibility
(Event Sourcing Live, 2021)
- Goldilocks Learns How to Program
(OOP, 2021)
- Teaching Functional Programming
(ICFP Tutorial, 2021)
- Teaching Language Infrastructure—Work to Do!
(Racketfest, 2021)
- All Programming Language Suck? Just Build Your Own! – Language-Oriented Programming with Racket
(rC3, 2020)
- Control your Effects
(MuniHac, 2020)
- Functional Software Architecture
(ICFP Tutorial, 2020)
- Emotional Programming
(with Johannes Mainusch, BOB, 2019)
- Einführung in die funktionale Softwarearchitektur
(JAX, 2019)
- Getting software right with properties, generated tests, and proofs
(36C3, 2019)
- Teaching Functional Programming
(Lambda Days, 2019)
- How to teach programming to your loved ones
(35C3, 2018)
- A farewell to soul-crushing code
(with Nicole Rauch, 35C3, 2018)
- Teaching Clojure
(:clojureD, 2018)
- Turbocharge Your Design Process
(Breuninger, 2018)
- Growing Up Software Development
(34C3, 2017)
- Die Monade und Du
(code.talks, 2017)
- Concurrent ML - The One That Got Away
(Code Mesh, 2017)
- The Day After Tomorrow
(with Nicole Rauch, SC London, 2017)
- Programmierpraxis übermorgen
(mit Nicole Rauch, Karlsruher Entwicklertage 2017)
- The Functional Programming Languages Nomad
(Curry On!, 2016)
- Type Your Data!
(:clojureD, 2016)
- Design on Steroids
(with Nicole Rauch, XP Days, 2015)
- The purely functional fab
(BOB, 2015)
- Taking purity to the limit in GUI programming w/ React and Reacl
(:clojureD, 2015)