Papers and Publications
Published Papers
- Sperber, Michael and Peter Thiemann: The Essence of LR Parsing. In Scherlis, William (Editor): Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation PEPM '95, pages 146-155, LaJolla, CA, June 1995. ACM Press. ps.gz pdf
- Sperber, Michael, Robert Glück and Peter Thiemann: Bootstrapping Higher-Order Program Transformers from Interpreters.In Proc. 11th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC (SAC '96), pages 408-413, Philadelphia, PA, February1996. ACM. ps.gz pdf
- Sperber, Michael and Peter Thiemann: Realistic Compilation by Partial Evaluation.In Proc. of the ACM SIGPLAN '96 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pages 206-214,Philadelphia, PA, USA, May 1996. ACM Press. ps.gz pdf
- Sperber, Michael and Peter Thiemann: Two for the Price of One: Composing Partial Evaluation and Compilation. In Proc. of the ACM SIGPLAN '97 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pages 215-225,Las Vegas, NV, USA, June 1997. ACM Press. ps.gz pdf
- Sperber, Michael, Peter Thiemann, and Herbert Klaeren: Distributed Partial Evaluation. In Proc. of the Second International Symposium on Parallel Symbolic Computation, PASCO'97,pages 80-87, Maui, Hawaii, July 1997. ps.gz pdf
- Michael Sperber and Peter Thiemann: ML and the Address Operator. In The 1998 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on ML,Baltimore, Maryland, USA, September 1998. ps.gz
- Michael Sperber, Peter Thiemann: Generation of LR Parsers by Partial Evaluation, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 22(2):224-264, March 2000.
- Michael Sperber: Computer-Assisted Lighting Design and Control. PhD thesis, University of Tübingen, 2001. PDF available here.
- Matthias Neubauer, Peter Thiemann, Martin Gasbichler, Michael Sperber: A Functional Notation for Functional Dependencies, In The 2001 ACM SIGPLAN Haskell Workshop, Firenze, Italy, September 2001. proceedings (pdf)
- Matthias Neubauer, Michael Sperber: Down with Emacs Lisp: Dynamic Scope Analysis, In The 2001 ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP '01), Florence, Italy, September 2001, pages 38-49. ps.gz pdf
- Michael Sperber: Developing a Stage Lighting System from Scratch, In The 2001 ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP '01), Florence, Italy, September 2001, pages 122-133. ps.gz pdf
- Matthias Neubauer, Peter Thiemann, Martin Gasbichler,Michael Sperber: Functional Logic Overloading, In The 2002 ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, , Portland, Oregon, January 2002, 233-244. ps.gz pdf
- Martin Gasbichler, Michael Sperber: Processes vs. User-Level Threads in Scsh, In The 2002 Scheme Workshop, Pittsburgh, Pa., October 2002. ps.gz pdf
- Martin Gasbichler, Michael Sperber: Final Shift for Call/cc: Direct Implementation of Shift and Reset, In The 2002 ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP '02), Pittsburgh, Pa., October 2002, pages 271-282. ps.gz pdf
- Martin Gasbichler, Eric Knauel, Michael Sperber Richard A. Kelsey: How to Add Threads to a Sequential Language Without Getting Tangled Up, In The 2003 Scheme Workshop, Boston, Ma., October 2003. ps.gz pdf
- Sebastian Egner, Richard Kelsey, Michael Sperber: Cleaning up the Tower: Numbers in Scheme, In The 2004 Scheme Workshop, Snowbird, Utah, October 2004. ps.gz pdf
- Martin Gasbichler, Michael Sperber: Integrating User-Level Threads with Processes in Scsh, Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation, Volume 18, Numbers 3-4, pages 327-354, December 2005. article
- Annette Bieniusa, Marcus Crestani, Markus Degen, Martin Gasbichler, Phillip Heidegger, Herbert Klaeren, Eric Knauel, Michael Sperber, Peter Thiemann, Stefan Wehr: HtDP and DMdA in the Battlefield - A Case Study in First-year Programming Instruction, 2008 Workshop Functional and Declarative Programming in Education, Victoria, Canada, September 2008. pdf
- Annette Bieniusa, Markus Degen, Phillip Heidegger, Peter Thiemann, Stefan Wehr, Martin Gasbichler, Marcus Crestani, Herbert Klaeren, Eric Knauel, Michael Sperber: Auf dem Weg zu einer robusten Programmierausbildung, 3. GI-Fachtagung Hochschuldidaktik Informatik, Potsdam, Germany, December 2008. pdf
- Michael Sperber, R. Kent Dybvig, Matthew Flatt, Anton Van Straaten, Robby Findler,Jacob Matthews: Revised6 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme, Journal of Functional Programming, volume 19, issue S1, pp. 1-301. JFP page (see also the R6RS site)
- Jürgen Börstler, Michael Sperber: Systematisches Programmieren in der Anfängerausbildung, informatica didactica, Ausgabe Nr. 8 - 2008-2010.
- Marcus Crestani, Michael Sperber: Experience Report: Growing Programming Languages for Beginning Students, In The 2010 ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP 2010), Baltimore, Maryland, September 2010. pdf, talk video
- Marcus Crestani, Michael Sperber: Erfolgreich Programmieren lernen und lehren. In: Zimmermann, M., Bescherer, C. & Spannagel, C. (2012). Mathematik lehren in der Hochschule - Didaktische Innovationen für Vorkurse, Übungen und Vorlesungen. Hildesheim: Franzbecker. draft pdf
- Michael Sperber, Marcus Crestani: Form over Function - Teaching Beginners How to Construct Programs. In: 2012 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming, Kopenhagen, Dänemark, September 9, 2012. pdf
- Michael Sperber: Praxisreif: Wo Haskell und Co objektorientierten Sprachen überlegen sind. In: iX Programmieren heute 1/2013, Links.
- Frank McCabe, Michael Sperber: Feel Different on the Java Platform: The Star Programming Language. In: 2013 International Conference on Principles and Practices of Programming on the Java platform, Stuttgart, Germany, September 2013. pdf
- Michael Sperber: Eingebettete DSLs mit Clojure. In: Java aktuell, 02-2014, Seiten 26-33.
- Michael Sperber, Anil Madhavapeddy: Commercial users of functional programming workshop report In: Journal of Functional Programming 23 (6): 701-712, 2013. pdf (Copyright Cambridge University Press 2013)
- Francis McCabe, Michael Sperber: Thinking about Star, white paper, 2013, available via iBooks and Smashwords.
- Michael Sperber: Funktionale Programmierung ist mehr als Java 8 in: heise Developer 3.6.2014
- Michael Sperber, Lennart Augustsson: Special Issue on Run-Time Systems and Target Platforms for Functional Languages Editorial. Journal of Functional Programming 24 (6): 612, 2014. pdf (Copyright Cambridge University Press 2014)
- Marius Eriksen, Michael Sperber, Anil Madhavapeddy: CUFP '13 scribe's report In: Journal of Functional Programming 25 (e3), 16 Mrch 2015.
- Michael Sperber: Dependency Injection in der funktionalen Programmierung in: heise Developer 23.2.2016
- Michael Sperber: Frontend-Entwicklung mit ClojureScript und React/Reacl. In: Java aktuell, 02-2016, Seiten 49-54.
- Michael Sperber: Bessere Software-Architektur mit funktionaler Programmierung in: Informatik Aktuell, 3.5.2016.
- Michael Sperber, David Janin: FARM 2016 demo summary in: FARM 2016 - Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modelling, and Design.
- Michael Sperber: Goodbye CRUD, hello Immutability: der Umgang mit Daten in Clojure. In: Java aktuell, 05-2017, Seiten 33-36.
- Michael Sperber, Peter Thiemann: Funktionale Softwarearchitektur, Java Magazin 9.19, September 2019.
- Stefan Monnier and Michael Sperber: Evolution of Emacs Lisp, ACM SIGPLAN Conference on History of Programming Languages 2020. pdf
- Michael Sperber: Funktionale Programmierung mit Haskell und Idris: Effekte kontrollieren, iX Special 2020, S. 110.
- Michael Sperber: Book review of "Functional and Reactive Domain Modeling" by Debasish Ghosh, Journal of Functional Programmierung, 30 (e21), 2020.
- Michael Sperber: Domänenmodellierung mit F#, dotnetpro, 2020/11.
- Michael Sperber: Funktionale Modellierung - Die Macht der Abstraktion. ObjektSpektrum 01/2021.
- Michael Sperber: Typberatung - Dependent Types in Haskell. Linux-Magazin 07/2021.
- Michael Sperber: Dependency Injection mit funktionaler Programmierung. JavaSpektrum 01/2022.
- Michael Sperber: Monaden in Kotlin. JavaSpektrum 05/2023.
- Michael Sperber: Systematisch eingebettete DSLs entwickeln in Clojure,, 2013-06-27
- Michael Sperber: Buchbesprechung: Das Curry-Buch,, 2013-05-27
- Michael Sperber: Ist Java 8 eine funktionale Programmiersprache?,, 2013-09-19
- Michael Sperber: Streams in Java 8,, 2014-03-14
- Michael Sperber: Eine Monade für Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen,, 2014-04-10
- Michael Sperber: DSLs ohne Nahtstelle mit Kontrollabstraktion,, 2014-04-30
- Michael Sperber: Ereignisorientierte Simulation mit funktionaler Programmierung, Teil 1,, 2016-03-09
- Michael Sperber: Ereignisorientierte Simulation mit funktionaler Programmierung, Teil 2,, 2016-09-16
- Michael Sperber: DSLs ganz einfach mit Clojure,, 2021-05-03
- Michael Sperber: APIs have Properties – how to find and test them!, API Conference Blog, 2020-03-02
- Michael Sperber: Eingebettete domänenspezifische Sprachen in F# mit Computation Expressions, dotnetpro, 2020/12.
- Michael Sperber: Event Sourcing without Responsibility, EventStore Blog, 2021-12-21.
- Attending the iSAQB® CPSA® Advanced Training in Functional Software Architecture (FUNAR) – Who Should Take The Course and Why?, iSAQB Blog, 2022-05-16
- Late Architecture with Functional Programming, InfoQ 2023-04-27
- Wie funktional ist Kotlin? Oder sollten wir doch in Scala programmieren?, Java Magazin, Ausgabe 4.2024
- A review for the Journal of Functional Programming of Sandy Maguire, Algebra-Driven Design. Journal of Functional Programming, May 2024.
Michael Sperber, Herbert Klaeren: Schreibe Dein Programm!, Tübingen University Press, 2023.
Michael Sperber, R. Kent Dybvig, Matthew Flatt, Anton van Straaten (editors): Revised [6] Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Herbert Klaeren, Michael Sperber: Die Macht der Abstraktion. Teubner 2006
Herbert Klaeren, Michael Sperber: Vom Problem zum Programm. 3. Auflage. Teubner 2001
Sebastian Egner, Michael Sperber (Hrsg.): Die Grafik-Connection. Heim-Verlag, 1990.
Michael Sperber: C auf dem Atari ST. 2. Auflage. Heim-Verlag, 1989.
Scheme Requests for Implementation
- Martin Gasbichler, Michael Sperber: SRFI 22: Running Scheme Scripts on Unix
- Richard Kelsey, Michael Sperber: SRFI 34: Exception Handling for Programs
- Richard Kelsey, Michael Sperber: SRFI 35: Conditions
- Michael Sperber: SRFI 36: I/O Conditions
- Richard Kelsey, Michael Sperber: SRFI 50: Mixing Scheme and C (withdrawn)
- Michael Sperber: SRFI 66: Octet Vectors
- Michael Sperber: SRFI 68: Comprehensive I/O (withdrawn)
- Michael Sperber: SRFI 74: Octet-Addressed Binary Blocks
- Will Clinger, R. Kent Dybvig, Michael Sperber, Anton van Straaten: SRFI 76: R6RS Records
- William D Clinger, Michael Sperber: SRFI 77: Preliminary Proposal for R6RS Arithmetic
- Michael Sperber: SRFI 79: Primitive I/O
- Michael Sperber: SRFI 80: Stream I/O
- Michael Sperber: SRFI 81: Port I/O
- Michael Sperber: SRFI 82: Stream Ports
Rejected Papers
- Martin Gasbichler, Richard Kelsey, Michael Sperber: A Tractable Native-Code Scheme System pdf (rejected from PLDI 2007)
- Michael Sperber, Matthias Neubauer: Experience Report: Putting an Oxymoron to Work, Using established functional-programming technology to implement TTCN-3 pdf (rejected from ICFP 2009)
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